UniBa Unit
- coordination of the research activities of the project;
- geomorphological (surface and subsurface) analysis of karst systems;
- morphometric analysis of digital models of the caves (laser scanning and scuba diver surveys), aimed at their structural characterization at the macro-scale, and at evaluating the overall stability conditions;
- detailed geological-structural surveys of the rock masses;
- rock mass petrographic characterization;
- chemical analysis of waters;
- mapping the breakdown deposits present in the underground settings;
- evaluation of the hazard related to gravity-related phenomena (slope movements s.s. and sinkholes).
elaboration of evolution models for different types of karst phenomena (epigenic and hypogenic).
Unisannio Unit
- construction of a database about seawater intrusion, sinkholes and underground instability in the selected case studies;
- management of the project website;
- collection and analysis of ancillary data on climate (precipitation, temperature, etc.) and salinization, and production of thematic maps;
- reconstruction of hydrological data series (sea level, fresh/salt water interface, rainfall, discharge, etc.) useful to find trends and fluctuations, and to base future scenarios;
- analysis of the recharge phenomena in the study areas, and of their contribution to the aquifers, included effects of climate change.
- hydro-geophysical measurements to provide information on the hydrological and hydraulic characteristics of the subsurface to understand and visualize the flow from the surface to groundwater;
- geophysical measurements to evaluate the actual seawater intrusion (to be performed over the whole span of the project timing in order to visualize the groundwater salinization trend);
- geophysical monitoring to get the dynamic of the freshwater-seawater interface in order to better manage the water and land use;
- visualization of the critical portion of the coastal karst to plan solutions, such as MAR plant, to reduce the seawater intrusion;
- hydraulic characterization of rock samples in laboratory to provide parameters for the modeling of different sea level rise scenarios.