The teams are
well balanced in terms of
expertise of the different
topics dealt with in
the project, and cover
all the range of disciplines
and activities included
in the proposal
University of Bari
The UNI Bari Unit activities will concern especially the hydrogeological setting, the geotechnical characterization of the rock masses, and the stability of underground voids and of the rocks in which the caves are hosted, besides carrying out surface geomorphological mapping related to the speleogenetic phases, and implementing numerical modelling for the evaluation of the stability in underground caves, and the related effects at the surface.
Mario Parise - website
Associate Professor, expert in karst research, with particular interests on natural and anthropogenic hazards in karst (sinkholes, flash floods, slope instability), and on karst hydrogeology. He will act as PI of the proposal.
Vincenzo De Santis - website
Researcher, geomorphologist specialized in analysis of coastal areas this latter’s interests are focused on the study of palaeo-shorelines, marine terraced eposits, sea level oscillations and consequent coastal landforms, with abilities in the stratigraphical/sedimentological assessment and facies analysis of coastal systems, and morpho-topographical and geological surveys.
Giuseppe Diprizio
Technician expert in different types of geotechnical tests for material characterization
University of Sannio
UNISannio Unit will add the hydrological analyses and will focus all the data management in GIS environment. Hydrological time series at the available meteorological stations will be reconstructed to highlight trends and cyclicity in rainfall. Based on these data, historical recharge processes will be estimated; these analyses require a strict interaction with the other research units, as geomorphological data (endorheic basins, different types of sinkholes, etc.), natural drainage conditions and their anthropogenic modifications have to be considered. These aspects are particularly important in coastal and near-coast environments, often characterized by severe changes, also related to the intensive tourist pressure in the last decades.
Francesco Fiorillo - website
Full Professor, expert in hydrology and hydrogeology whom research mostly focuses on karst hydrogeology in the Apennines through hydrological analyses on time series, and implementation of specific models, even with innovative approaches, to simulate both the recharge processes and discharge of the karst massifs. In this project these skills will be useful to transfer the field survey data and monitoring activities into a database suitable for processing and modelling.
Libera Esposito - website
Associate Professor, with research activities focused on the characterization of groundwater types, understanding of the origin of the water flow, and of the aspects related to their use for drinking water purposes. In the present project these skills will be useful to estimate the water quality and their temporal and spatial evolution through processing and modelling.
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
CNR BA Unit will concern the evaluation of the actual situation of seawater intrusion and the monitoring of the freshwater-seawater interface dynamic through geophysical techniques, hydro-geophysical measurements to provide information on the hydrological and hydraulic characteristics of the subsurface, useful for model parametrization, and laboratory determination of rock hydraulic properties.
Maria Clementina Caputo - website
Researcher, and geologist with expertise in laboratory and field tests for hydraulic characterization of rock and soil, both in saturated and unsaturated conditions, critical to understanding the dynamics that involve unsaturated flow and transport. In the project she acts as responsible for CNR Research Unit by coordinating the laboratory tests, the field measurements campaigns, and the editing of reports on the measurements carried out.
Angela Volpe - website
Researcher, chemist with expertise in the removal of persistent pollutants from groundwater and wastewater, and in the bioremediation of contaminated sites. Her interests include sorption processes and migration of organic and inorganic pollutants through soil and sediments.
Lorenzo De Carlo - website
Researcher, geologist with skills in hydrogeophysics, with interests in geophysical applications to understand and predict flow and transport dynamics in both the unsaturated and saturated zones. He is focused in electrical and electromagnetic data collection and 3D modeling of the sea-water intrusion in coastal aquifers.
Rita Masciale - website
Researcher, geologist with skills in hydrogeological characterization, monitoring and treatment of environmental data finalized to definition of groundwater state (qualitative and quantitative) and aquifer vulnerability, field and laboratory tests for measuring and quantifying hydrological process
Giuseppe Passarella - website
Civil engineer, with interests on groundwater quality classification, groundwater monitoring networks optimization, risk assessment of groundwater qualitative depletion, and stochastic and geostatistical tools. He will apply in this proposal geostatistical tools on collected data of groundwater quality.
Other researchers
Scietific Curriculum of the principal investigators
(section under construction...)